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Education and Work History

Anchor 1

Ph.D. 2019

University of Glasgow


Environmental and Evolutionary Biology

Thesis Title: The Influence of Maternal Care Duration on Offspring Phenotypes in African cichlids

Supervisors: Prof. Shaun S. Killen & Dr. Jan Lindstrom

MRes 2015

University of Glasgow


Ecology and Environmental Biology - Evolution and Systematics​


Grade Awarded: Distinction

First Thesis Title: Maternal effects on behavior and juvenile size in an African cichlid (Dimidiochromis compressiceps)
Second Thesis Title: Maternal effects on shoal cohesion in an African cichlid (Dimidiochromis compressiceps)
Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Parsons

B.S. 2014

Eastern Washington University

​2007-2008; 2011-2014

Biology-Wildlife Management


GPA in Major coursework: 3.5​


Final Project: Effect of guarana (Paullinia cupana) on cognitive function, heart rate, weight and anxiety


Volunteer Projects

  • 2014 Northern Leopard Frog Survey - Potholes Reservoir

  • 2014 Diving Beetles for Invasive Stickleback control - Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

  • 2013 Raptor Nest Survey - Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

  • 2012 Small Mammal Survey - Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge 

Peer Mentor 

​IBAHCM Postgraduate Peer Mentor 2019

University of Glasgow 

Graduate Teaching Assistant

​IBAHCM 2019

University of Glasgow 

Scottish Ecology, Environment and Conservation Conference 2019


University of Glasgow and Scottish Natural Heritage

IBAHCM 2018 Darwin Day


University of Glasgow

Glasgow Fish Biology Away Day 2017 & 2018 


University of Glasgow

IBAHCM Postdoc Seminar Series 2017 & 2018 


University of Glasgow

IBAHCM Postgraduate statistics meetings 2017 & 2018 


University of Glasgow



  • Fish collection with minnow traps and backpack and boat electrofishing

  • Use of GPS and field equipment for aquatic environment surveys

  • Planning and orchestrating fish collection in remote locations

  • Coordination with local landowners to collect fish

  • Sorting fish by size and physical condition in the field

  • Preparation for and the international shipping 

  • Tissue sample (scales and fin clips) of salmon

 Animal Husbandry

  • Day to day care of fish in the lab

  • Feeding regimens for spawning and growth

  • Tank and filtration system maintenance

 Lab Work

  • Collection, preparation and mounting of otoliths

  • Dissection

  • Tissue cross-sections with a compresstome

  • Collection and processing of tissues for DNA/RNA sampling

  • DNA/RNA extraction

  • PCR

  • Staining of bone and cartilage

  • Morphometric imaging

  • Staining of neurons

  • Gross brain anatomy identification 

  • Behavioral assays

  • Video recording equipment

  • Respirometry for SMR/MMR (setting up and recording)

  • Identifying fish for spawning

  • Assisted with in vitro spawning of stickleback and salmon

  • Visible Implant Elastomer tagging 

  • Passive integrated transponder tagging and reading

  • Animal husbandry and rearing of eggs to adult stage


  • Statistical analysis in R including generalized linear mixed models, principal component analysis, and geometric morphometrics

  • Graphical figures in R using ggplot2

  • Some experience with GIS analysis using R, ArcGIS, and QGIS

  • Image and video analysis with ImageJ

  • Video analysis with Ethovision, IDTracker, and CTraxx

 Other Skills

  • Transferrable: Oral, written, and visual scientific communication, time management, initiative, creative problem solving, dedication, organization, teamwork and leadership

  • Proficient with MS software

  • ScotPIL personal license 2015-2019

Postgraduate Research Student Representative 2016 - 2018 ​

University of Glasgow

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