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Published Works

Accepted Academic Publications

Závorka, L.., Koene, J.P., Armstrong, T.A., Fehlinger, L., Adams, C.E.. 2022. Differences in brain morphology of brown trout across stream, lake and hatchery environments. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8684.
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Závorka, L.., Koeck, B. Armstrong, T.A., Soğanci, M., Crespel, A., Killen, S.S. 2019. Reduced exploration capacity despite brain volume increase in warm-acclimated common minnow. Journal of Experimental Biology 2020 223: jeb223453.

Brain volume of fish in the two temperature treatments. Boxplots illustrating differences in whole-brain volume (A) and that of its functional regions (B, dorsal medulla; C, cerebellum; D, hypothalamus; E, optic tectum; F, telencephalon) for fish acclimated to warm (20°C, red circles; N=30) and optimal temperature (14°C, blue circles; N=28). Displayed data are raw measurements not corrected for Mb and whole-brain size of individuals. Central lines represent the median, box limits are 25th and 75th percentiles and whiskers cover the 95th percentiles. Filled circles represent individual data points.

This work was short listed for the Journal of Experimental Biology's Outstanding Paper Award in 2020. 

Armstrong, T.A., Khursigara, A.J., Killen, S.S., Fearnley, H.  Parsons, K.J. , & Esbaugh, AJ. 2019. Oil exposure alters social group cohesion in fish. Scientific Reports 9: 13520.
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Book Chapters

Parsons, K.J., McWhinnie, K. and Armstrong, T. 2021. An evo-devo view of post-genomic African cichlid biology: enhanced models for evolution and biomedicine. In: Abate, M.E., Noakes, D.L. (eds) The Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of Cichlid Fishes. Fish & Fisheries Series, vol 40. Springer, Dordrecth.

Conference Talks

Armstrong, T.A., Howard, J., & Schaffler, J. 2022. Investigating the Influence of Environmental Variables on Catchability of Fishes with Boat Electrofishing in Lake Sammamish. Society For Freshwater Science, Pacific Northwest Annual Chapter Meeting. Caldwell, Idaho, USA. 
Armstrong, T.A., Hill, I.D.C., Lindström, J. Killen, S.S., &  Parsons, K.J. 2019. Does maternal mouthbrooding received during early development  influence aggression and brain anatomy in adult fish? Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain.
Armstrong, T.A., Hill, I.D.C., Lindström, J. Killen, S.S., &  Parsons, K.J.. 2019. Does maternal mouthbrooding influence aggression and brain anatomy in adult fish?. Ecology and Behaviour. Toulouse, France.
Armstrong, T.A., Killen, S.S., & Parsons, K.J. 2018. Maternal care influences adaptive craniofacial development in African cichlids. 7th Meeting for the European Society for European Developmental Biology. Galway, Ireland.
Armstrong, T.A., Killen, S.S., & Parsons, K.J. 2017. The long-term effect of maternal mouthbrooding on cichlid behaviour and brain development. Cichlid Science Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.
Armstrong, T.A., Parsons, K.J. 2016. Maternal effects on shoal cohesion in an African cichlid. Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Brighton, UK.

Conference Posters

Armstrong, T.A., Lang, M., Lindström, J. Killen, S.S., &  Parsons, K.J.. 2019.The influence of parental absence on offspring proactive-reactive personality axis in a cichlid with bi-parental care. The 2019 Congress of European Society for Evolutionary Biology Annual Meeting. Turku, Finland.
Armstrong, T.A., Lang, M., Lindström, J. Killen, S.S., &  Parsons, K.J.. 2019.The influence of parental absence on offspring proactive-reactive personality axis in a cichlid with bi-parental care. Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain. Received the Irene Manton Poster Award.
Armstrong, T.A., Killen, S.S., & Parsons, K.J. 2018. Maternal care influences adaptive craniofacial development in African cichlids. II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Montpellier, France.
Armstrong, T.A., Khursigara, A.J., Killen, S.S., Fearnley, H.  Parsons, K.J. , & Esbaugh, AJ. 2017. Oil exposure influences shoal cohesion in the Atlantic croaker. Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Non-Academic Publications

"A PhD is not Just About The Science: Why I Organised Everything"
Tiffany Armstrong
Naturally Speaking October 16, 2019
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